he’s rich and he can time travel

view trailer

pre-order blu ray

the debut feature film from

conner paulsen

written by

& mike barkhoff









Since 2011, specific members of our team have worked on various forms of artwork (i.e. drawings, specificic models/physical crafts, lines of photography, etc.). At times, these are made in conjunction with both our music and films.



Since 2018, we have been distributing a variety of music to all streaming platforms. Sometimes the music is heavily tuned for the films, but it is primarily releases in the discography of our musicians who are grouped with Live Free extensively.



Since 2013, we have been handling film projects, such as shorts, feature lengths, and web series. These have been written and directed by a majority of the actors and producers of the films. In 2018, our feature length films began and we have released at least one near yearly.




Prod!gy 3 Confirmed

The debut feature film from Conner Paulsen, "Prod!gy", now available for pre-order...

Prod!gy – Blu Ray pre-order now available

The debut feature film from Conner Paulsen, "Prod!gy", now available for pre-order...

“To Reach A Zenith”, out 12/13

The third feature film from Jarrod Van Hauen was filmed in one day on Juneteenth 2024. Prior to this...



INFINITE. (2018)
INFINITE. (2018)

The debut feature film from Mike Barkhoff is set in an alternate reality where censorship doesn’t exist. In a world without, you must find a place within.

Windfall (2020)
Windfall (2020)

Barkhoff’s second feature film is a story of greed meeting the cyclical nature of repetition. What’s money mean to you?

Death, My Darling (2021)
Death, My Darling (2021)

The debut feature film from Jarrod Van Hauen, an artistic approach to horror.   Limbo is all around us, all you have to do is look.

Doppelgang (2021)
Doppelgang (2021)

For his third feature film, Mike Barkhoff grapples his depression as he pits fictionalized versions of himself against one another. The voices don’t quit when you enable them.

My Brain At 11:37pm: Visceral Visions (2022)
My Brain At 11:37pm: Visceral Visions (2022)

Barkhoff’s fourth feature film follows a troubled man who realizes his troubles are burdening how he perceives all other elements of his life.   What will you do when the clock turns from 11:36 to 11:37?

Knock (2022)
Knock (2022)

For his sophomoric feature, Jarrod Van Hauen again focuses on the horror genre, but this time intertwines a psychological battle.   Hear the screaming? He does.

CD-R (2024)
CD-R (2024)

Barkhoff’s fifth feature film is a tale of duality, brother versus brother, and corruption. A set of twins at odds.

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