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Gee Mak, 69ERRAS, P-Kay Yungish, Ivysin Billy, Mediator


July 14th, 2023


12Digits’ fourth album was crafted to be a grittier and darker toned album that anything that preceeded it in his discography. This reflected his mentality at the time, as a large section of it was recorded while he was dealing with his album’s being removed from Spotify with no explanation offered.

Bonus Track Edition:

On his birthday in 2019, Barkhoff released the “Bonus Track Edition” which, ironically, cut all of the artist’s songs from the film and replaced them with original scores done by himself. This was to make one version of the film worry-free of future copyright strikes in case any of the musicians unknowingly caused one on the film when submitting their music to streaming services. It is also the version of the film featured on the Blu Ray.

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