Barkhoff conceived this film – and shot it – as a web series. He had a second and third season plotted and written, doing much of that while filming and editing this “season”. Following creative differences between him and other cast members, he decided to release the first season as a film in 4 parts – free on YouTube, during the COVID lockdown – almost a year and a half after filming had wrapped. For a majority of 2019, Barkhoff debated scrapping the project altogether and only released it due to COVID putting a hold on what he had planned to be his second film. The project was born with Barkhoff’s idea to make the “Breaking Bad” of web series.


Barkhoff was again inspired by Martin Scorsese’s filmography as well as “Breaking Bad” (obviously). He wanted the series to have similar notes to “INFINITE.” in terms of theme and grittiness, but didn’t want advertisements or any musician’s songs in the film (save for Yung Bong, who at one point was set to make a song for the film). Barkhoff also wanted to explore work with a more ensemble based crew. During editing – which only took Barkhoff one week – Barkhoff wanted to release it as one film without putting it in parts like he did “INFINITE.” but ultimately decided it worked best as parts due to it being shot that way when intended to be a four episode web series. Barkhoff originally planned to release the film on May 1st but delayed it due to the nearing arrival of his cousin, born five days before the film’s release. Barkhoff wanted the film to be released immediately and so settled for May 8th, as many people were retreated indoors and had little to do. It was a surprise release film.


Mike Barkhoff, Jarrod Van Hauen, Ashtun O’Rourke, Travis Barkhoff, Mason Gronen, Dillon Bosler, Tyler Fulks, Brett Mast, Yung Bong, Emmett Kendrick, Shae Lynn, Sydney See, Caleb Van Hauen


Mike Barkhoff


Jarrod Van Hauen and Travis Barkhoff


Mike Barkhoff


Mike Barkhoff

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